2008-2009: Brothers For Change (a locally based not-for profit incorporation) produced an information report on the Gang Injunction in the Western Addition through a grant provided by the S.F. Department of Public Health – Violence Preventions Program. What came out of the report was establish a neighborhood association that can bring the diverse Fillmore neighborhood together to solve public safety issues without incarnation.
October-2009: Round-table Discussion to discuss the formation of the Fillmore Neighborhood Association at Rasellas Jazz Club & Restaurant. Local residents, small business owners, street vendors and stake-holders participated in a thoughtful and enlightening discussion on the need for a political voice for the Fillmore.
March 2010 – November 2010: Planning and development meetings by interim board members for the Fillmore Neighborhood Association. Conducted research, reviewed similar association models, drafted by-laws, create fiscal sponsorship agreement, drafted mission statement and boundaries.
On June 23, 2011, in partnership with Captain Mannix, our the neighborhood association held its first official meeting at Northern Police Station.