Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Newsletter Sent, June 6, 2012

In this newsletter – Upcoming neighborhood association meetings and forum!

Fillmore / Lower Fillmore Neighborhood Association (FLFNA)

Newsletter Sent June 6th, 2012

Executive Sub Committee Meeting – Open to the Public
Thursday, June 7th, 2012
10AM – 11AM
Northern Station Community Room at Fillmore and Turk Street

Meeting with Rec & Park and Northern Police Station to discuss some ideals to implement at the Fillmore Mini Park like Saturday morning cartoons, Thursday evening "Welcome to the Fillmore" concert series and food vendors in the park on Saturdays.

The goal is to create a community-public-partnership just as there are public-private-partnerships that are taking over our parks in San Francisco.  We understand the economic challenge that San Francisco is in and the challenge to keep the parks open.  With this partnership we will be able to raise money for our parks and permits to use the facilities at a reduced rate.

Justice Hearing
Co-sponsored by Supervisor Christina Olague
Friday, June 8th, 2012
10AM – Noon
Northern Station Community Room at Fillmore & Turk Street

This is the first of a series of community hearings between residents and City Officials to document comments, question and answers about public safety issues in the Fillmore and review existing reports.  Our goal is to create a community-driven implementable plan to improve the quality of life in the Fillmore through close partnership with the City.      

1) City Officials will hear comments and answer questions from the community regarding public safety and quality of life issues in the Fillmore.
2) Reports by City Officials on what their respective departments are doing to address public safety issues in the Fillmore.
3) Discussion on the Juneteenth Festival, July 16th & 17th (Item added by FLFNA)

Community Forum – Fillmore Artisan Marketplace at Gene Suttle Plaza Update and Request for Vendors
Monday, June 11th, 2012
Gallery 1307
1307 Fillmore Street (Cross Street Eddy)
5PM – 7PM

Our neighborhood association received tentative go ahead to launch a Saturday Artisan Marketplace at Gene Suttle Plaza.  At this forum we will present a plan covering all the logistics of the marketplace and vendor application guidelines.   Please see attached vendor application for non-food vendors. 

General Community Meeting: CPMC Hospital Proposal and Development - Opportunities to Create Businesses and Build Careers for the Fillmore Community

Mark your calendar!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2012
6PM – 8PM
Location TBD

Note: Public comment and Q & A are available for items on the agenda.  Thirty minutes is also available for public comment on topics not appearing on the agenda but directly relating to the Fillmore at the end of every general meeting. 

MEETING POSTPONED - Community Hearing: "Stop Racial Profiling by Security Guards at Safeway Supermarket."
Saturday, June 9th, 2012
Northern Police Station - Community Room
10AM til 2PM

Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012