(a) Live within the boundaries currently or in the past,
(b) Pay membership dues (Note - membership dues are currently being waived)
(c) Have a geniune interest to improve the Fillmore / Lower Fillmore
(d) Complete below membership application
1) Mailing List:
Affiliation (if any):
How do you want to be contacted?
2) Resident Interests in Sub-Committee
____ Public Safety ____ Business Development ____ Civic Engagement
____ Other please explain:
Why are you interested in the Sub-Committee(s) you selected?
3) Do you have a current issue that you would like addressed?
4) Please sign here to become a member:
5) Why are you interested in becoming a member of the neighborhood association?
6) What special skill, talents or resources can you bring to the neighborhood association?
Mail, Email or Drop of Application:
Mailing Address:
1290 Fillmore Street, Suite 105 , S.F. , CA 94115
Email: fillmoreneighbors@gmail.com