Friday, September 14, 2012

Fillmore Neighborhood Association (FNA)
In this edition:
1) Flip the Mini Park Mondays, [09-17-12 @ 9AM]
2) Meet District 5 Neighbors & Candidates, [09-19-12 @ 6PM]
3) General Community Meeting, FNA, [09-20-12 @ 6PM]
4) Twenty people completed interactive-art-surveys on “Urban Renewal” at the Western Addition Sunday Streets this past weekend

1) Flip the Mini Park Mondays
Monday, September 17, 2012
Mini Park on Fillmore between Turk and Golden Gate
9AM - 11AM
Volunteers needed to pick up trash, cigarette butts and other small things.  Tom from Rec & Park will provide the tools, training and supervision for the kick-off.  Hosted by the Fillmore Neighborhood Association.  Complementary lunch provided for volunteers. 
2) Meet District 5 Neighbors & Candidates
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
West Bay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, S.F.
6PM - 9PM
Would you like to see the candidates actually interact and debate each other and the issues?
6-7pm refreshment provided
7-9pm debate and questions
Parking is available at the Fillmore Center Garage, 1475 Fillmore Street

3) General Community Meeting - Fillmore Neighborhood Association
Thursday, September 20, 2012
West Bay Conference Center, 1290 Fillmore Street, S.F.
6PM - 8PM

Meeting Agenda:
Civil Rights Attorney for the Fillmore Community
Pedi-Cabs in the Fillmore
Board Elections for the Neighborhood Association / 2 - 3 Open Seats / Become a Member at the Meeting and Vote

4) Twenty people completed interactive-art-surveys on “Urban Renewal” at the Western Addition Sunday Streets this past weekend
 Follow link for story:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Twenty people completed interactive-art-surveys on “Urban Renewal” at the Western Addition Sunday Streets

Nearly 200 people stopped by and viewed the 4X10 foot vinyl banner of photos from before and after “Urban Renewal” this past Sunday Streets, September 10th, 2012.  Sunday Streets is a series of events put on by the City of San Francisco to encourage health, community and fun.  Below are the responses from random tourists, City residents and locals who participated.  The cultural awareness survey is aimed at rekindling a movement to educate people about “Urban Renewal.”  The project was put together by local artists and sponsored by the Fillmore Neighborhood Association.  Three hundred dollars for the banner was paid for through a grant by the Mayor's Office of Economic and Workforce Development.

1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Hopefully improvement, but more community input is needed not just bureaucrats making decisions.

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Residents getting involved.

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Nova Scotia

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Six years (In the 1990’s)


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Driving out the minority community and everyone else who is poor or not rich.  Destroying whole neighborhoods.

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Alerting everyone to keep from people buying into it and cooperating or investing in it.

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Mostly Washington State, but also New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, South Dakota, Germany and California.   Many friends in Western addition displaced. 

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Haight Ashbury 9 years and Ocean view 37 years.


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

“Urban Renewal” is a relative term but I think it tends to mean making an area “nicer” and moving crime/poverty out, but at the expense of local citizens and history.  

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Increased events like “Sunday Streets” and keeping neighborhood open and accessible for everyone in the greater community.  People will fight to protect what they know and love.  

3) What City or State did you grow up in? 


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

I live in Cole Valley


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

I full-out support what you are doing!

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?


3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Seattle, WA

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Gentrification, displacement + moving $ from small local family businesses to large national or trans-national ones

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Consciousness, education, consumer voting + political participation.  

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Little rock, AR

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Seventeen years


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Displacing low-income people predominantly people of color. 

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Zoning laws, regulations on franchises, etc.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Twenty-four years


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Revitalization, new energy, protecting history + culture

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?


3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Lakewood, Colorado

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Improvements but not always.

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Put it on the voter ballot.

3) What City or State did you grow up in?


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Zero - Sunset


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

When post war white America started leaving cities for suburbs, government and business began a systematic policy to streamline auto transportation at the expense of poorer neighborhoods.   

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?


3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Rochester, NY

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Lived 10 years @ Page + Fillmore


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 


2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?


3) What City or State did you grow up in?


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 


2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Let the Community be part of the decision making.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Los Angeles

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

It means prospectors w/ money see an opportunity to purchase property at a low price(usually from poor people + people of color) and resell to the highest bidder.   

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Make tough regulations about who can buy and why.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

Seattle, WA

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Gentrification – Newer, sometimes nicer neighborhoods but pushing out original residents, new comers love the culture of original resident, but push the people out that have the cultures.   

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Informing the original residents about keeping their homes + the value.  Offering businesses incentives to local folks in the area for so long.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

S.F., Oakland, LA and CA

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Mother, Aunt, Uncle grew up in Western Addition. 


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Wide spread change, Gentrification.  

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Landlords should not be allowed to let properties deteriorate.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

At its best – ensuring vibrancy of our urban cores; at worst it destroys our heritage.   

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Involvement + collaboration across all the interest groups. 

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

New York

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Twenty years. 


1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Hopefully it helps people live a better life not just for the rich.    

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Let people make a living wage and can afford to live well and buy property.  

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

San Francisco, CA

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Loss of home + Jobs.  Loss of community.  History and culture.  

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Voting, being a aware of community.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?

San Francisco

4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 



1) What does Urban Renewal mean to you? 

Forced modification of a place to fit a different vision of what it should be regardless of past culture / community.   

2) What is something that can change to prevent Urban Renewal from happening again?

Sharing community spaces, encouraging interaction & respect of communities and places, and historical value.   

3) What City or State did you grow up in?


4) Total number of years lived in the Fillmore / Western Addition? 

Live in Cole Valley for 9 years.



Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012