Friday, November 23, 2012

MINUTES, 11-20-12 - Public Safety Committee (w DCYF)

Public Safety Committee Meeting 

MINUTES - November 20th, 2012  

(Meeting with DCYF) 

Hosted by the Fillmore Neighborhood Association 

City Official Present: 
  • Maximilian Rocha, LCSW, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Department of Children, Youth & Their Families

Action Items:

a. Schedule a meeting with the Mayor’s Director of Violence Prevention and CRN to learn more about and to discuss the creation of a Safety Plan for Community Violence in Fillmore.  

b. Participate and possibly coordinate the creation of a community survey to be distributed at events in the Western Addition during the holidays including Fostering and the AAACC Toy Give Away.

c. Reach out to CBOs providing services in the Western Addition and applying for the DCYF grant to insert an outreach/chaperone piece into their submittal. 

General Meeting Discussion:
  1. DCYF Consists of 3 Units (Grants, Policy and Finance)
  2. The Mayor’s Interrupt, Predict & Organize (IPO) Initiative
  3. A bid is out for DCYF due Jan. 17, 2014.
  4. Does DCYF concentrate on technical or program when monitoring
  5. Housing complexes don’t have youth spaces and young people are being pushed into the streets.
  6. Ambassadors
  7. Community Schools
General Meeting Discussion

1) DCYF Consists of 3 Units 
  • Grants Units (contracts, monitoring..)
  • Policy Planning (3 year cycle, funding road map…)
  • Finance (fiscal, IT) 
Collaborate with Juvenile Justice, DPH and First Five. 

DCYF is lead convener for Juvenile Justice, DPH and other Joint ventures.  

Youth Violence Prevention Initiative: Local Action Plan (Planning Tool, what departments are doing…) 

Plan was endorsed by Juvenile Justice Coordination Council     

Circle of Care – Prevention to Intervention.  

Juvenile Probation – Detention 

DPH – Placement 

2) The Mayor’s Interrupt, Predict & Organize (IPO) Initiative

Diana Oliva-Aroche, Director of Violence Prevention Services to organize the community and City agencies in the Mayor’s Interrupt, Predict & Organize (IPO) initiative; (Diana and Jasmine) 

IPO (Paul Henderson – Interrupt, Predict (IP)
  • (IP)
  • Interrupt – Law enforcement to interrupt.  
  • Predict – Probation Department knows of people getting released, potentially do violent crime.  Probation keep an eye on the street. 

Diana (O part)
  • Organizing social services.   

Diana (Street Violence Reduction Initiative Meeting) SVRT 
  • What can potentially be happening?
  • Do we need to do more intervention, talk to friends so they don’t  retaliate.
  • We need some community organizers

Can we get notes from SVRT meeting (Get in touch with Diana)

Is the CBO Taskforce still in effect / Controls Office?  Still on the Controllers website but not active. 

The Controllers Off has a set of findings.   

3) A bid is out for DCYF due Jan. 17th.   

Is there a contract incentive if it is locally based?

Not the best grant writers so they don’t go to top.

Helping small non-profit that are existing. 

Think broad and mindful to existing groups provide mentoring for small organizations.

Funding limitations.  


DCYF sends money to DPH and leverage money from the state. 

West Side provided parental support if relevant to the kids.  

Bayview Association for Youth, was there no other W.A. agency that bid for contract.   

Bayview Association for Youth is located at Wallenberg.  

4) Does DCYF concentrate on technical or program when monitoring? 

Does DCYF monitor the paper work or come out to see what is going on?  

2 main ways.  Program side or organizations and infrastructure (financing, organizational structure) 

% of students showing up.  

How many clients meeting dosage amount.  (Appointments.) 

DCYF 300 sites (8 people to visit 300 sites)

City does the monitoring.   

CBO funded by multiple agencies, a group of agencies make a visit together.

Red flag agency.   

CBO Taskforce

Example Ella Hil Hutch 

It sounds like DCYF rely heavily on paper work.   Anyone can put on a show in one day.   

Set rankings, based on observation are you meeting safety requirements.   

Youth-to-adult relationships.  

Violence prevention  

Case management standards.   

An organization may not be doing case management but mentoring.   

Annual report performance. 

Need services to help some of the sponsors to build the capacity.

Treat non-profits like a small businesses.   

You get knocked out of the box because you are small 

Where is the technical assistance.   

Compass Point is good, but they charge. 

CBOs work together for a shared accountant.   

5) Complexes don’t have youth spaces and young people are being pushed into the streets   

The complexes don’t have youth spaces; young people are pushed out into the streets and then become a police matter.   

Residence realize it is a cost thing.  We have spent $500,000 into security services. 

Revitalizing the center instead of paying for security services.   

HUD and housing.   

$500,000 on security  

$200,000 - $400,000 on security. 

They get more bang for security cameras then security guards.  

False sense of security.   

Housing sites are transitioning.   

People hanging out on the corner are not always in a position to be positive adult mentors.   

Service providers that work with the young people.   

Generations of violence, trauma takes 3-4 generations to erase. 

Are we going to bear fruit down the line 

DCYF funds are limited up to 18, up to 24. 

6) Ambassador  

New grant that is out.  Talk to all the after school programs.   

A portion dedicated to street outreach.  The need and why it is important.  Allow for those agencies to get funded to allow that agency to get funded.  

That is not the CRN or not just one agency out on the street. 

Outreach and Ambassadors – Days to do outreach.  Days to be in the street. 
There is a bunch of people. 

7) Community Schools

Housing services at school and strengthening family at school. 

Huge set back in community schools.

MINUTES, 10-11-12 - Public Safety Committee (w Adult Probation)

Public Safety Committee Meeting
MINUTES – October 11, 2012

(Meeting with Adult Probation Department)

Hosted by the Fillmore Neighborhood Association

City Official Present:
  • Adult Probation Department
Adult Probation Department

Parole Recidivism Rate is 72%, if we can lower by 10%.

Probation take on community violence. 

Study by Harvard School of Justice David Kennedy.  2006

It looked at how committed the crime and who were the victims. 

Large percent of perpetrators and victims of crime on probation and parole.

What we know is a very small population is committing a lot of crimes. 

We know who the people are who are committing the crimes.

They have been in the system. 

Probation has always been under funded. 

300/250 cases to on Probation Officer which is impossible for intervention and supervision. 

New Chief tries to lower the case load.  Get more officers into community. 

Hiring officers with treatment approach versus law enforcement.

If we can increase the type of probation contacts and decrease the load we can impact the recidivism rate. 

In 2010 we had California Probation Incentive.  Evidence based practice; fewer prisons commitments would get more money back into community. 


S.F. is the City of Second Chances.  San Mateo they send people away for anything. 

Because our numbers were low, we still lowered are recidivism so we get money back.  Hopefully with the ideal of reducing recidivism,

AB109 Prison Realignment.  May 2010 conditions in CDCR is unconstitutional and release 30,000 people into county system. 

Evidence based

Risk Assessment (130 batteries) get score back

Criminal-genic needs factors that are based on the evidence. 

Main Ones

Anti-social cognition

Anti-social peers

Cognitive Behavior Therapies

The way they think about things they can lower the factors. 

How it all relates to community, if we can lower the case loads we can do more rehabilitative work. 

Probation is finally being funded the way it should be funded. 

Community corrections.  Hey if you fund us.

If we can lower through probation. 

Community Supervision

You can’t arrest yourself out of the problem. 

The only way to do this is you get people out in the streets.


First people coming from prison on October 11th. 

423 people who have been released, 19 people being supervised in D 5

Majority of population is homeless, in D-10 and D 6

Mindset needs to change, he it was a mistake. 

You can possible change the life path off someone. 


Friday, November 16, 2012

Workshop Wednesdays @ Fillmore Mini Park: “Racial Profiling and the Holidays”

Workshop Wednesdays @ Fillmore Mini Park: “Racial Profiling and the Holidays”

WHEN: Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WHERE: Fillmore Mini Park (Fillmore Street, between Turk and Golden Gate)

TIME: 10am – Noon

Five Deep in a Car: “Don’t pull me over, I’m with my family.”
  • Been Away for a While
  • Back in Fillmore Visiting Family
  • Someone Coming Home from the Pen

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.
  • Resource Tables, including the Office of Citizen Complaints
  • Limited Open Mic
  • Street Art
Call number below for open mic, only 3-4 spaces. 


More information at 415-373-4049 or


Fillmore Neighborhood Association



In this Edition:
  • Public Safety Committee Meeting – RSVP Required: [THIS Tue., Nov. 20th from 9AM-10AM]
  • Workshop Wednesdays @ Fillmore Mini Park: “Racial Profiling and the Holidays” [THIS Wed., Nov 21st from 10AM-Noon]
  • Green Job Fair every 2nd Tuesday @ the AAACC’s Parking Lot [December-2012 through February-2013]


1) Public Safety Committee Meeting – RSVP Required

WHEN: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
WHERE: DCYF Office, Fox Plaza, 1390 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, West Wing Conference Room
TIME: 9am - 10am

1) Implement Community Safety Plan for the Fillmore Community:

  • Presentation on DCYF’s Current Violence Prevention and Intervention Developments
  • Presentation on the Mayor’s Interrupt, Predict & Organize (IPO) initiative 
2) Discussion  on what an Ambassador / Concierge Program would look like:
  • Maximize existing resources and filling in gaps

Confirmed City Officials:

  • Diana Oliva-Aroche, Director of Violence Prevention Services to organize the community and City agencies in the Mayor’s Interrupt, Predict & Organize (IPO) initiative;  and 
  • Maximilian Rocha, LCSW, DEPUTY DIRECTOR, Department of Children, Youth & Their Families

For more information or to RSVP call 415-373-4049 or email at 



2) Workshop Wednesdays @ Fillmore Mini Park: “Racial Profiling and the Holidays”

WHEN: Wednesday, November 21, 2012
WHERE: Fillmore Mini Park (Fillmore Street, between Turk and Golden Gate)
TIME: 10am – Noon

Five Deep in a Car: “Don’t pull me over, I’m with my family.”

·         Been Away for a While

·         Back in Fillmore Visiting Family

·         Someone Coming Home from the Pen

Have a Safe and Happy Holidays, KNOW YOUR RIGHTS.

Resource Tables, Limited Open Mic and Street Art


More information at 415-373-4049 or

3) Green Job Fair every 2nd Tuesday @ the AAACC’s Parking Lot

WHEN: Every 2nd Tuesday, December-2012 through February-2013
WHERE: African American Arts & Culture Complex, PARKING LOT, 762 Fulton Street, S.F.
TIME: 10am – 1pm

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

About Fillmore Neighborhood Association and President

I am the current president of the Fillmore Neighborhood Association and we have produced many successfully events and community forums in the Fillmore including raising $3,000 for victims of a local fire, spear-heading the Fillmore / District 5 Mayoral Debate in August of 2011 and co-sponsoring the recent District 5 Supervisors debate on September 19, 2012.  I bring more than ten years of experience creating innovative events and developments with an emphasis on productions that engage inner-city residents including 3 concerts in Bayview, San Francisco attracting more than 3000 teens.  The calendar-of-events is the latest development of the FNA.
Jed Crawford,
Fillmore Neighborhood Association

Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

Supervisor London Breed Inauguration - Jan 2013

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012

RECAP: Workshop Wednesdays" at the Fillmore Mini Park from NOV-DEC 2012