Friday, November 23, 2012

MINUTES, 10-11-12 - Public Safety Committee (w Adult Probation)

Public Safety Committee Meeting
MINUTES – October 11, 2012

(Meeting with Adult Probation Department)

Hosted by the Fillmore Neighborhood Association

City Official Present:
  • Adult Probation Department
Adult Probation Department

Parole Recidivism Rate is 72%, if we can lower by 10%.

Probation take on community violence. 

Study by Harvard School of Justice David Kennedy.  2006

It looked at how committed the crime and who were the victims. 

Large percent of perpetrators and victims of crime on probation and parole.

What we know is a very small population is committing a lot of crimes. 

We know who the people are who are committing the crimes.

They have been in the system. 

Probation has always been under funded. 

300/250 cases to on Probation Officer which is impossible for intervention and supervision. 

New Chief tries to lower the case load.  Get more officers into community. 

Hiring officers with treatment approach versus law enforcement.

If we can increase the type of probation contacts and decrease the load we can impact the recidivism rate. 

In 2010 we had California Probation Incentive.  Evidence based practice; fewer prisons commitments would get more money back into community. 


S.F. is the City of Second Chances.  San Mateo they send people away for anything. 

Because our numbers were low, we still lowered are recidivism so we get money back.  Hopefully with the ideal of reducing recidivism,

AB109 Prison Realignment.  May 2010 conditions in CDCR is unconstitutional and release 30,000 people into county system. 

Evidence based

Risk Assessment (130 batteries) get score back

Criminal-genic needs factors that are based on the evidence. 

Main Ones

Anti-social cognition

Anti-social peers

Cognitive Behavior Therapies

The way they think about things they can lower the factors. 

How it all relates to community, if we can lower the case loads we can do more rehabilitative work. 

Probation is finally being funded the way it should be funded. 

Community corrections.  Hey if you fund us.

If we can lower through probation. 

Community Supervision

You can’t arrest yourself out of the problem. 

The only way to do this is you get people out in the streets.


First people coming from prison on October 11th. 

423 people who have been released, 19 people being supervised in D 5

Majority of population is homeless, in D-10 and D 6

Mindset needs to change, he it was a mistake. 

You can possible change the life path off someone. 


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